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Revelation 22:14

“Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.” KJV

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Another Soul Saved Evangelism story: Some years ago I had the opportunity to work in the state of Tasmania. While working there I sold books to Barry Whish Wilson, a very influential man and a member of the Uniting Church. He had the biggest tractor and farm equipment dealership in the area. Nothing really eventuated at this stage, but when on an outreach in Launceston, Pastor George Rappel took us to Scottsdale to visit some contacts. Barry was one of them.

I showed him some more books and he purchased them paying by cheque. I was able to witness to him and shared with him my experience with God and how it can't be too long before Jesus' second coming. We also prayed together.

I received a Christmas card from a member of Scottsdale church recently and they informed me that Barry and his wife, Gay, had been baptised. What a blessing as another soul is saved for all eternity. Praise the Lord! - Joe Paola, Southern Area