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Revelation 22:14

“Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.” KJV

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It's All in a Name Visiting homes in my regular territory I walked into the front yard of a well appointed home as the lady of the house appeared at the upstairs balcony. She insisted in knowing what the meaning of my visit was and I explained the nature of my work, with a view to having a proper interview with her. She said she didn't have time and wasn't really interested.

Some weeks later I returned to have another attempt to let her have a chance of seeing the value of what I had to offer, but from the balcony she sent me away again.

I attempted a third visit, and this time I met the lady's 13 year old son. His mum and dad weren't home on this occasion, and from this young man I learned that his dad, a solicitor, was at work, and his mum was a lecturer at the University of the South Pacific and was overseas at the time. I took the opportunity to canvass the Vital Facts for Boys with this 13 year old and told him how it would benefit him. I suggested he speak to his dad about what he saw in the book and how helpful it would be for him. This young boy liked the book and wanted it, so said he would speak to his dad about it. I asked him what his name was and he told me it was Geoffrey. I said he had a nice name and left with the plan of returning sometime soon to speak with his father.

On the fourth visit, sure enough, there was the lady of the house on the balcony as I came up the driveway. The lady of the house, as on the first two visits, called out to me from the balcony to see what I wanted. I wasn't expecting to see her but rather was hoping to see the boy's father. While she was questioning me from the balcony I prayed that the Lord would help me remember the boy's name and that I'd spoken to him earlier, otherwise she would tell me to leave. Amazingly the name came to my mind and I said, “I was wondering if Geoffrey was home.” The stern look on the mother's face softened into a smile and she said, “Yes, Geoffrey is right here,” and called the boy to come out.

When her son came onto the balcony, he looked down and said, “That's the lady I was telling you about who showed me my book!” The boy's mother quickly made her way downstairs and met me at the door with her two younger daughters. In the meantime the teenage boy had disappeared. Downstairs the mother said to me, “So you're the lady my son was talking about?” Her manner had softened from all previous encounters and I was able to show her the Vital Facts for Boys that I had shared with Geoffrey. I introduced her to The Bible Story as well. When she saw them she said, “My husband would be interested in some books like these.”

Before I left, this university lecturer ordered the 10 volume set of The Bible Story, Family Medical Core, plus Vital Facts for Boys and Vital Facts for Girls. This came to $1,331.50, and she paid it off in only three payments.

Knowing people's names is vital to our success. Make the effort to get to know and remember people's names! - Nese Suisala, Area Manager, Samoa

Important reading: To find why the Bible calls the Papal Church Babylon, please read the origin of Babylon and the Sunday Sabbath, paganism and Christianity and then how the Sabbath was changed to Sunday, so it will then be very clear how and why Satan did this. What is the number 666 has almost lost information explaining how 666 originally came from Babylon and why it is now applied to a man in the Papal Church. The secret rapture and the seven year tribulation is a huge and fast spreading deception from the real truth on the second coming of Christ Jesus. [dark]